Worship Team
Team meetings occur 4 times per year to plan seasonal church programming and activities related to worship. We need team members!
Team members oversee areas such as preparation for monthly communion services, assisting the pastor with communion during worship and preparation/delivery of communion to our homebound members and friends. Other areas include rotating the colors of our altar paraments and our banners according to the church worship calendar, arranging for weekly altar flowers and special occasion floral displays, and decorating our sanctuary for various holiday seasons.
The worship team also plans special events such as Ash Wednesday service, Holy Week services, All Saint’s Sunday, and Christmas Eve service.
The worship team assists the pastor and music director(s) in recruiting choir members, praise band members, children’s choir, bell choir, and special music events. The team also updates and maintains policies on church weddings and other community uses of our sanctuary.
COMMUNION SERVANTS for all aspects of our communion services (hopefully developing a service rotation for each month of the year).
TECH TEAM SERVANTS who will operate the sound and videos equipment utilized in our worship services (again, hopefully developing a weekly/monthly service rotation). Training will be provided!
USHERS to serve in our worship gatherings (receiving offerings, assisting with seating, etc.)
Evangelism Team
Team meetings occur 4 times per year to plan seasonal church programming and activities related to evangelism. We need team members!
Team members oversee areas such as communications (our church website and social ministry outreach, along with church brochures and information displays), our welcome ministry to first-time visitors, hospitality before and after worship services and special gatherings, Community Days for outreach to our neighborhood and region, and our prayer ministry.
DOOR GREETERS AND PARKING ASSISTANTS for serving visitors and regular attenders before our worship services (hopefully developing a weekly service rotation).
HOSPITALITY WORKERS who will make sure that coffee and refreshments will welcome our visitors and regular attenders before our worship services and will provide fellowship opportunities after our services.
THANK-YOU NOTE WRITERS who will mail short letters of appreciation to our first-time worship visitors during the following week.
PRAYER TEAM SERVANTS who will stand ready to pray for special needs and events that occur throughout the week and the year.
Discipleship Team
Team meetings occur 4 times per year to plan seasonal church programming and activities related to discipleship (education and spiritual growth). We need team members!
Team members oversee areas such as Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, College/Young Adult Ministry, Women’s and Men’s Ministries, and Senior Adult Ministries.
The Discipleship Team also provides New Member classes, Confirmation classes, specialized classes/programs for various life needs, resources for small groups and home Bible studies, and seasonal church-wide small group experiences.
SUNDAY SCHOOL teachers/workers/helpers
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL volunteers for all aspects of this ministry (teachers, music, activity supervision, set-up, refreshments)
SEASONAL SMALL-GROUP LEADERS who would either 1) host, 2) provide refreshments, or 3) teach a study during a possible 6-week home Lenten study this upcoming year.
Mission Team
Team meetings occur 4 times per year to plan seasonal church programming and activities related to missions (both local community missional service and support for global missions).
Fairview Church supports a wide variety of mission projects, which are highlighted at the beginning of each calendar year in our annual Missions Conference. Be sure to watch for missions news in our weekly bulletin and our monthly newsletter. On the local level, our outreach to our community includes...
Closet of Blessings: This is a long-time congregational ministry that gives gently used children's clothing to families in need.
Backpack Ministry: This congregational outreach supplies food to children at Park Avenue Elementary School who are identified as having a need for nutritional items to supplement their basic weekend dietary needs. It operates on a weekly basis during the school year.
Tree of Giving: Our congregation focuses on a monthly community mission chosen by our Missions Team. We collect monetary gifts or items that are needed by a particular local agency on a monthly rotational basis. Collected items include stamps and cards, canned goods, socks, coats, toiletry items, and seasonal personal supplies.
Contact Us
1013 Westover Drive
Danville, VA 24541