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Ministry to All, Ministry for All, Ministry by All
No matter where you are in life, Fairview offers a place to both receive and participate in ministry. We are a family of faith, so we do our best to make "room at the table" for everyone.

Special Seasonal Events
Experience the seasons of the Christian year at our Christmas Eve and Holy Week worship services, and enjoy the fun of our church-wide community outreach events in both the spring and the fall.
Our Chancel Choir leads our traditional worship service, and our Praise Team leads our contemporary worship service. We also offer a seasonal Children's Choir and a Handbell Choir.
Fifth Sundays feature delicious congregational covered-dish dinners and lots of opportunities to get to know others in our church family.
We maintain an active weekly prayer ministry and special prayer emphases throughout the year.

We offer a staffed nursery during our worship services, along with a special children's message for ages 3 - 3rd grade in our Children's Church. Sunday School classes, our JUMP ministry for K-5th graders on Wednesdays at 6 PM, and special seasonal children's programs such as Vacation Bible School are also available. We go the extra mile to make sure that our children are safe and secure at all times.
Our youth meet Sundays at 5:15 PM in our furnished and equipped Youth Rooms. They also participate in retreats, mission trips, and have the opportunity to participate in regular Confirmation Classes. We host Cub Scouts and Boys Scouts ministries on Tuesday evenings.
We stay in touch with our out-of-town students and offer ministry to them and to our local students as well.
Young Hearts
Our seniors stay active with a variety of opportunities for fellowship, travel, and service.
We care for our homebound members and friends through regular visitation and offering to bring Holy Communion to them each month.

Sunday School
In additional to classes for children and youth, we offer four adult classes with a variety of curriculums and teaching styles. The pastor frequently offers a three-session class on church membership and general church information that is open to anyone.
Bible Studies
The pastor offers a Wednesday study on a particular book of the Bible at both 11 AM and 6 PM. Other classes on specific topics and life issues are offered throughout the year.
Small Groups
Home groups for prayer and study are offered church-wide during the season of Lent, and other small groups meet at a variety of times and places throughout the year.
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